Beaconsfield Women’s Club has been an active and rewarding part of the lives of many Beaconsfield women as well as other West Island women residents for over 30 years. BWC is a social club where relationships develop. Friendship – laughter & conversation – sharing – participation – caring & support – these are some of what BWC has come to mean to members. 

During our Monthly Meetings which are held at 7:00 pm on the first Monday of each month, we catch up with each other as well as make new friends over coffee and cake. Plus, we listen to interesting and topical speakers on a range of subjects or participate in hands-on presentations.  

Each BWC member is welcome to join any or all of our individual clubs which meet either bi-weekly or monthly – bridge, mah-jong, canasta, book club, breakfast club, lunch bunch, walk and talk, etc.  Special outings of interest are scheduled as well.

Come check us out!  We would be happy to welcome you to our Monthly Meetings and show you what we are about.

Please note that BWC meetings are held in English. It is also important to note that:

  • Details and adjustments to our activities are advised to members via the monthly Newsletter or through the event Convenor. Non-members can confirm which activities are being held via an email to the Club through this website (see Contact).
  • BWC generally has a hiatus of most events during July and August, but Convenors are free to hold some event sessions during the summer.

“It has always been such a wonderful and supporting club. To all our new members, you are now part of a warm group of fun and caring ladies.”

– Audrey R.

“I have been a member for 27 years, enjoyed participating in many of the activity groups and through it have made some wonderful friends”.

– Judy G.

“BWC has expanded my circle of friends, exposed me to new ideas and challenges, and reminded me to think and act charitably. BWC has provided me and many others with a sense of community.”

– Diana B.