Club Highlights

October 15, 2022  –  BWC again participated in Beaconsfield Marche Defi. 

September 24, 2022 – BWC again participated in the Beaconsfield Merchants and Artisan Market. 

September 12, 2022 – For the first time in 2 years, we launched a new season with our General Meeting and AGM.

June 24, 2022  – BWC participated in the Beaconsfield Fete Nationale celebrations.

April 23, 2022  –   BWC participated in the Beaconsfield Garage Sale and the full proceeds were donated to the West Island Food Bank.

November 2021 –  All games clubs restarted at Centennial Hall.

October 16, 2021 – BWC participated in Beaconsfield Marche Defi.

October 6 – 15, 2021  – Book Club restarted at Centennial Hall and Lunch Bunch dined again.

September 25, 2021 – BWC participated in the Beaconsfield Merchants and Artisan Market.

May 2021 – September 2021 –  In compliance with limitations imposed by Covid restrictions, we took advantage of the summer weather to get together for Picnics in the Park, Book Club meetings in the Park, and held our September membership sign-up and General Meeting in the Park.

December 2020 – UPDATE – Annual X-mas Charity Collection Results
Our members came up trumps again this year. Our collection was donated to:
– help 32 women with personal bags made and donated to the West Island Women’s Shelter
– On Rock & 1 low-income senior who received the food items
– 10 -15 store bags filled with clothes, blankets, and warm items for Old Brewery Mission
– women on the street were handed socks, gloves, hats, scarf, blankets, 2 coats
This is what the Season is really all about.

November 2020: BWC  begins our annual X-mas charity collection. 
Again this year the Club will collect much-needed toiletries for the Women’s Shelter.  At the same time, because of the rise in homelessness in the West Island, we will expand our collection to include spare mitts, gloves, scarves, socks, hats (men’s and women’s), and blankets.

October 2020: BWC initiates a new activity, a “Walk and Talk Club” coordinated by Franca F. After almost 7 months under Covid restrictions, Franca rightly saw that with Fall and Winter approaching, we all likely needed to be encouraged to get outdoors and exercise while socializing and reinvigorating our friendships. Our walks will begin as soon as current restrictions permit, with each route an approximate 45-60 minutes in round trip duration. All Covid regulations in place at the time of each walk will be followed.

August 2020: The new BWC executive meets for the first time.
Discussions centered around how we can best function in the Covid environment, particularly with regard to the canceled AGM and business matters that were to have been dealt with at that meeting. It was recognized that going forward, processes will need to be adapted to manage the Club within the confines of Covid regulations.

June 15 – July 15, 2020: BWC joins the City of Beaconsfield’s Virtual Race Challenge, sending out a challenge to all of our members to contribute any amount of steps that they could to our goal of walking for 150 hours  (which is approx. 5.5 marathons!!) and our stretch goal is 200 hours (approx. 7.4 marathons). 

Well, we blew it out of the water big time.  We smashed through our original goal of 150 hrs early in Week 3.  So, it was likely that we would hit the 200 hr stretch goal, but how much above that mark we would go was a tad uncertain given the record-breaking heat during the last two weeks.

Nevertheless, we remained undaunted —  and, in the end:
Total hrs walked June 15 to July 15 ——- 311 hrs !!!!  Over double the original goal.
That equates to 39 marathons (avg 8 hrs to walk a marathon).

Major kudos to our 21 members who contributed to the race, you are all amazing women!!

March 23, 2020: BWC initiates support to members during the lockdown.  Prompted by the March 17th Covid lockdown, a few BWC members organised to assist other members in need of help with grocery and toiletry shopping as well as other local errands.

May 2018:  BWC Member Wins Special Quilt in Fund-Raising Raffle   A quilt that was many years in the making was awarded to the winner of a raffle benefitting the Breast Cancer Foundation. The quilt was originally started by a BWC member as a gift to her sister, but sadly, after her sister was diagnosed with breast cancer, she was too upset to complete it.  Another member gamely took up the baton and started a BWC sewing group to complete the quilt. None of the members involved were quilters but the determined group sewed squares together to the best of their ability. With slow but steady progress, it took several years to conclude the task.

The Beaconsfield Quilters Guild was then approached to help put all the squares together and finish it off, with a Guild member generously volunteering her time. Once completed the quilt was raffled at BWC, raising funds for the Breast Cancer Foundation. Surely, a labour of love through the years, for a very worthy cause. Kudos to all those involved!